#skilled #creative #leader


Joseph Pereniguez
Hey there! 👋 • I like to <code>

My name is Joseph Pereniguez and I'm a junior full stack developer. Passionate about technology and computer science for a long time, I am very interested in computer development in general and new technologies.

Thanks to my school and my interships, I am improving my skills in development, project management and entrepreneurship, studying abroad and making a lot of projects.

I like to develop and create things with my knowledge so that I can share them with others.



  • 2014 - 2020

    Expert Title in Information Technology

    Epitech: European Institute of Technology - Paris, France

    IT private school which offers training in 5 years post-bac.
    Epitech delivers a Title of Information Technology Expert (Bac + 5), certified Level 1 by the State.

    During this course, students are required to study abroad, participate in internships, perform part-time jobs and even be encouraged to become an entrepreneur.

  • 2018 - 2019

    Master of Engineering - MEng

    Beijing Jiaotong University - Beijing, China

    BJTU, university ranked top 100 in terms of computer science according to the "2018 QS World University Ranking" delivers a Master Degree in IT field.

    The courses offered allow students to enrich knowledge in deep learning, analysis of algorithms and many other domains.

  • 2016 - 2017

    High-Advanced Business English Certificate

    High-Advanced General English Certificate

    ILAC International College - Toronto, Canada

    4 months perfecting English in order to obtain two certificates during a gap year. These certificates include oral and written comprehension and oral and written expression, one in general and the other in a more advanced and more business-oriented way.

  • 2014

    Baccalaureate Diploma with Honors

    Paul Langevin High School - La Seyne sur Mer, France

    Diploma in Science and Technology of Industry and Sustainable Development (sti2d).
    This field allows to acquire technological skills as well as in-depth skills in a field of specialty such as information systems and digital.

Employment History

  • 2020

    Junior Software Engineer

    Paris, France

    I had the experience of living a fusion between two French startups: Whoog and Medgo.

    During this internship, I worked on several parts of the staffing solution. Both back-end and front-end as well as the tools used by other developers. I realized some features of the product, both the design and the implementation. Working on a solution in React, Typescript, NodeJs and Express sharpened my skills on these technologies.

  • 2019

    Junior Full Stack Developer

    Valbonne, France

    Full stack developer as part of a paid internship from October 2019 to May 2020.

    This internship allowed me to practice my Scrum management skills within a team of developers.

    During this period, I had the opportunity to work on the new ergonomics of the company's web application designed for personnel management in the healthcare sector. I started by imagining a new platform based on the existing one and on new technologies and other applications of the moment in order to create a new and easy to use product. I then joined the team of developers to start this new platform usable both on laptop and mobile. This development allowed me to sharpen my skills in Git Flow, C# but also in creation of POC in different development languages such as React and Swift.

  • 2018

    Junior Full Stack Developer

    Indigen Solutions
    Nice, France

    Full stack developer as part of a paid internship from March 2018 to July 2018.

    This internship allowed me to sharpen my skills in various technologies: languages ​​as frameworks.

    I had the opportunity to work on various projects for large groups like Ticketing (Roland Garros 2018) by Lacoste, the captive portals of Roland Garros 2018, the official website of Women's Forum, the official website KitKat (Nestle), the website France-Boissons, Connected Farms, a platform showcasing coffee producers for Nespresso, and many other groups like Orange or AG2R to name a few.

  • 2015

    Project Leader

    Junior Full Stack Developer

    La Seyne sur Mer, France

    Full stack developer as part of a paid internship in business from September 2015 to December 2015.

    The internship allowed me to develop websites, mainly online shops, in html, css, javascript and php.

    It also allowed me to participate in the development of the enterprise framework (CMS) allowing developers to automate the creation of sites.

    It also allowed me to make improvements to the database management tool marketed by the company.

    Finally, this internship allowed me to work on the migration of web sites to the cloud.